Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Do What Makes You Happy!

Many years ago my father asked me why I never finish anything that I start. It was strange to learn that he saw me in that light because I've never been disappointed with myself in that respect. I explained to him on the spot that it's not that I never finish anything, but that I have many gifts and talents, and it enriches my life to dibble and dabble in all of them. I like to serve all of my passions and have been this way all my life. As a youth, I was very athletic and loved track, ballet, swimming and gymnastics. I've been writing since I was a little girl, and soon developed a love for reading. Today, I still enjoy reading and writing, cooking, traveling and exploring, and I love old things like antiques, historical landmarks and architecture. One of the passions that few people realize I have is photography! I love to take pictures of any and everything, and another itch to take my photography skills to another level has surfaced, so I'm scratching! I just ordered a new digital camera and I'm going to head for the hills when it arrives. Be on the lookout for my own creative captures soon ... and know that SD Denny hasn't changed one bit. She's still the same SD Denny she's always been!


  1. I loved your post. I too am into many things and people say the same thing to me. It is a blessing to be so talented. I can't wait to see your photos!

  2. Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and read, Darby! I picked up immediately that you're a multi-talented, multi-faceted woman!

  3. Um, how you gonna promise me some photos and then don't post any. Look here woman. Chop chop!! I wanna see the world through your eyes. Get it crackin'!! Humph. *tapping foot impatiently*

    1. I've done some practicing locally, but I need to hit the road to see what jewels I can find in these back roads and country fairways! Thanks for your interest!

    2. LOL! Cool. Thought you'd get a kick out of my post. I'm just now discovering your blog! Glad to find you here also!
