Monday, September 7, 2009

Relation “Shifts”

Have you ever heard that saying, “People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime?”
That is the truth! For many of us, the most important things in our lives are the relationships we have with others, whether they’re family, friends, lovers, or life partners. As I’ve matured to the ripe age of 44 that I am, I can truly say that my outlook on relation “shifts” has taken on a new meaning. People come and go. I’ve seen it explained before, but this evening I’ve taken the time to break it down in my own terms.
Reason: Have you ever been at a place in your life when you were so distraught, perhaps over the loss of another relationship or something else that was significant in your life and you didn’t know how you were going to make it through? Then you think, “Wow, if it wasn’t for this person, or that person, I don’t know how I would’ve made it.” I believe God brings people in and out of our lives to help us through tough times, or perhaps to teach us a lesson, or even take us through certain experiences to make us stronger, or make us examples for others who may need an example.
Season: Do you feel you are a different person than you were 10, 20, or even 30 years ago? I believe we go through seasons in our lives. I am constantly evolving and I know that I couldn’t interact the same with someone 20 years ago that I could today. You may have friends or life partners that were in your life when you were in a particular season, but today that relationship just doesn’t have the same meaning. It’s natural for people to grow, and sometimes that means your life takes a different direction. That’s okay! You thank God for the season and the growth and you continue to grow. If God has called you for a purpose, it may be time to let go and move on. It doesn’t have to be a BAD thing and it doesn’t mean that you have to stop loving someone. Sometimes, letting go may be best for the other person, just as much as it may be for you.
Lifetime: There are some people that will always be a part of your life. No matter what. You usually know who they are. They may be people we communicate with all the time or we may rarely talk to them…but there’s just this unspoken promise that for as long as you are alive, you’re in their life and they’re in yours.
I think it helps the healing process by being able to determine why certain people came into our lives or left our lives. It can also help in the decision making process as to whether or not it’s time to let go of a relationship that may have you in a stagnated state. Either way, we live, we love, and we learn. And we live some more.
Do you know who’s who in your life? Can you move past a painful experience by being able to identify the meaning of that relationship in your life?

Your thoughts?