Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Perspective Series: New Eyes...New You!

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." ~ Marcel Proust

Okay, I'm guilty... it's a natural part of who I am to yearn to see new places! I love exploring new grounds to experience the contrasts in geographical composition and indigenous people, and the variations in weather and culture from place to place. You may or may not take pleasure in the same; however, just imagine for a moment, the phenomenal revelation in being able to look at something you see everyday, or something in your immediate surroundings, in a totally different light!

Take your significant other for example: You look at him as being stubborn and unyielding to compromise and that eats away at you until you explode in anger when you're having a discussion about something you feel he should meet you in the middle on. That may be the case, but have you stopped to also think that he's one of the most generous people you've ever encountered? He'll give you the shirt off his back if you need it, and honor you by standing up for you in any situation (even when you may be wrong). What an awesome ally to have in a mate!

Another example may be the home you live in: You wish it were bigger because your family seems to have outgrown it, and maybe, just maybe it could use a few upgrades. Whenever you pull up in your driveway after work, you cringe at the thought of not being able to afford a bigger home or make the upgrades you imagine daily; however, have you ever stopped to think that your home, although it may be the smallest home in the neighborhood, it houses the most closely-knit family on the block? Under that roof are people who love and respect each other and every Sunday morning you meet at the breakfast table to share a wonderful meal together as a form of worshipping the creator. Although they don't tell you often, they appreciate you, and you them.

Lastly, you may not be able to afford that romantic trip to Paris that you've always wanted to take, but have you ever stopped to wonder about the air of romance in your own backyard? How about a drive to the mountains or to Charleston, SC, where romance and wonder are plentiful...

It's great to see new landscapes, but having New Eyes to see the good in things that are right before you will give you a new perspective in life, overall. At first thought, you may not be happy about a circumstance or situation, but having a new perspective may allow you to see the good in it that wasn't there before.

Today I challenge you to meditate on having new eyes. Take a moment to visualize a circumstance or situation and find the good in it. Find ways to make peace with your inner self through a new vision and outlook on your life.

Love & Light,
SD Denny
Author of novels, The Baker's Dozen and HALF


  1. Just from reading your profile I'm inspired.
    Too many times we look but don't see what is right in front of us, this beautiful face looking back at us. My grandmother says, if life throws you lemons, make lemonade. We are so much more than the what life throws at us.

    1. I'm so happy to have you stop by and read my post and most of all, be inspired! Thanks for leaving a comment and letting me know you were here!


  2. Thank you for the inspiration and the challenge. I will dedicate more energy to re-examining my situations, the things and people in my life. I am sure it will be refreshing.

    You are amazing Sharon Denny! My life would not be complete without you. Nancy C
