Thursday, December 3, 2009

Denying My Blackness?

Since the recent Tiger Woods media frenzy began, I've seen a great deal of comments regarding Tiger "denying his blackness" or "denying his black heritage." It seems that because he refers to himself as "Cablinasian" some people feel that he is denying the part of him that is black.

This is something that I've thought deeply about for many years, especially because I happen to be biracial. When I had to choose between black and white on applications in past years, I'd always chosen black. After all, I'd grown up in a household with a black mother and because anyone could look at me and tell that I wasn't white! But since the "other" or "multiracial" options have become available, I have chosen to select one of those instead. And it's not because I'm denying my black heritage, but simply because I have more than one parent, and the other just happens to be white.

I embrace both sides of my heritage, black and white. And I'm sorry if I offend anyone when I say that I'm biracial, but I don't feel that I should have to choose one or the other simply because there's someone out there who feels that if I don't classify myself as being black, then I'm not being proud of my black heritage.

Give Tiger a break...and trust that when he looks in the mirror, he is very much aware that he is looking at a man with strong black heritage.

Your thoughts?


  1. I think the problems that Tiger is having is between him and his wife. It's none of our business. One issue that I always thought was prevelent was the fact that he only seems to associate with White women. Makes you wonder if he ever gives Sista's a shot!

    Ok, back to the issue at hand. To fit in many of us "Biracial" individuals tend to deny the other race that defines our being. I have always acknowledged myself as a Black woman even though there is quite a bit of White in my family. I don't go exploring the White culture, it's never been that important to me. But for some reason it has been important to find out about family and my history.

    I am proud to be a Biracial woman and I embrace the person that I am. People look at me and never get it right anyway often asking me am I sure that I am a Black woman. I stand proud, stick out my chest and reply "I am a child of God and therefore HUMAN!"

  2. Hello S.D.

    You are a wonderful biracial women.I agree, one should not deny there race. Be happy about yourself regardless of what the world say are think about a person that is mixed with whatever. It is only about who you become as a person. I thank you for giving the people that are looking at the outer part of someone's body and not the inner part, a taste of what real people think about this issue, can't wait to hear more from you. Once Again, I thank you. L.G.
